HMRC Won’t Grant A Refund Of VAT Due To You Or Your Business?
Why Would HMRC Reject A Claim For Input VAT?
When businesses file their VAT return setting out the levels of input and output tax incurred for that quarter, HMRC can disallow the VAT claimed. This can include a refusal to reimburse excess VAT paid. It could also be to disallow because some or all of the Input Tax used to offset against that already paid. This is putting the business in a position where they need to pay sums to HMRC that they were not expecting to. Have you found HMRC Won’t Grant A Refund Of VAT Due To You Or Your Business?
What Should I Do If A VAT Input Claim Is Refused?
Altion Law are specialists at advising and representing parties who have received VAT assessments, wrongdoing penalties. Or are seeking an answer to, HMRC won’t grant a refund of VAT due to you or your business?.
For a confidential free discussion, call us today on 01908 414990, alternatively email us at or complete our Free Enquiry Form and we will call you back.
The Most Common Reason For HMRC Refusing VAT Claims For Input Tax Are:
Incorrect Documents
refund of VAT due to you or your business
VAT invoices are required to comply with section 14 of the Value Added Tax Regulations 1995. This states that all VAT invoices should state certain information. Where VAT invoices do not contain all of the required information, HMRC may state that they are not valid VAT invoices. This may result in a rejection of the paperwork and any VAT claim made.
Questions Over The Validity Of Documents
Where HMRC have questions over the validity of documents, they may refuse to accept a claim. This can disallow any input tax in your VAT return. HMRC could have concerns with documents your business have put together, or it could be your supplier documents they are concerned about. HMRC should set out why any VAT claim has been disallowed. However it is important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. Concerns about use of invalid documents could become very serious very quickly. This is especially important in relation to any instances of Missing Trader Intra-Community Fraud Or ‘MTIC‘.
Questions Over The VAT Return Itself
HMRC may also have queries over the VAT return itself. It may be that the document contains errors which will need to be corrected before any VAT claim can be dealt with. If there are any issues with your VAT return you should discuss this will your accountant. They may be able to resolve the matter relatively quickly for you.
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