Helping Ease Our Client’s Cash-Flow Worries By Applying For An Excise Licence

Our client was a Wine and Spirits importer. It had been paying duty on imports but growth meant this was now a concern for our client’s cash flow. So it wanted to apply for a special licence known as a WOWGR certificate.

This is a certificate issued to businesses registered as excise warehouse keepers or owners of goods in an excised warehouse.

This would enable our client to hold goods in duty suspension in a Bonded Warehouse.


How We Helped

Working closely with our client, we helped produce a business plan. We carried out due diligence and put together other important documents to support the application.

What We Achieved

One of our core values is keeping costs down for our clients. Where we think you can save money either by getting your accountant to do something or carrying out work yourself, we will tell you.

Because of the detailed preparatory work we had done, our client felt confident enough to attend the WOWGR application meeting on their own. Within days, HMRC approved their application.

To find out more about how to apply for a WOWGR, read this article.

“Altion Law understood my business, goals and objectives. I was provided with a detailed, concise and most importantly practical advice tailored to my business plan.”

A client we helped apply for an AWRS

Do You Want To Apply For An Excise Approval Or Special Licence From HMRC?

Contact us today for a confidential, no-obligation discussion of your situation and the options available to you.

For a confidential free discussion, call us today on 01908 414990,  alternatively emails us at or complete our Free Enquiry Form and we will call you back.

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