Considering Making an Application or Been Refused AWRS?
Altion Law specialises in advice for companies considering AWRS applications and for AWRS refusals. AWRS stands for the Alcohol Wholesalers Registration Scheme (AWRS). This is a niche HMRC approval as there are less than 9,000 approved AWRS traders. Refusal rates by HMRC are in the region of 1 in 3 applications will be refused but our success rate is significantly higher than this. but weIf you sell, offer, expose for sale or arrange to sell alcohol to another business duty paid alcohol you must be registered for AWRS. We offer an initial fixed price consultation for this area of work. Many of our clients are able to undertake applications on their own after having an initial consultation.
For a confidential free discussion, call us today on 01908 414990, alternatively email us at or complete our Free Enquiry Form and we will call you back.
Danielle Chapman | AWRS License Application Specialist Commercial Law Milton Keynes
AWRS applies to existing and new alcohol wholesalers who trade in or retail alcohol to any entity with a UK VAT number that may retail alcohol. It also applies to anyone who is purchasing a business that has existing license approvals. If your business employs third party sales agents you must ensure that they are either AWRS registered or have applied for AWRS.
The scheme includes ‘offering to sell’ to sell as an offence. HMRC Excise Notice 2002 sets out the full guidance for impacted businesses and records that must be kept. Businesses must make sure they have clear evidenced processes as part of their Enhanced Due Diligence. They must show checks against HMRC’s AWRS were made for any UK wholesaler they purchase from. FITTED due diligence will need to be applied to wholesalers both up and down the supply chain. It will NOT apply to private individuals purchasing alcohol from retailers.
Alcohol Duty Fraud
The Government estimates that Alcohol duty fraud costs UK taxpayers an estimated £1 billion each year. They believe that the majority of illicit alcohol typically works its way into legitimate supply chains at the point of wholesale. To tackle alcohol duty fraud the Government has implemented a dedicated scheme called the Alcohol Wholesaler Registrations Scheme (AWRS).
AWRS Registration and Disputes
The most recent figures from HMRC show the refusal rate of AWRS Applications. Approx. 44% of applications in 2020-2021 were refused and in 2022-2023 nearly 30% of applications were refused. The requirements and evidence for successful approval are achievable, but there are particular tests that must be met for any approval. Altion Law can review your proposed application and advise as to if you will meet these tests and are therefore likely to be approved. If a refusal for AWRS decision is given, it means that any new AWRS application must go into significantly more detail. It must adequately address HMRC’s grounds for refusal. Altion Law works with companies who are applying for AWRS. Ensuring they have all the necessary information and evidence for HMRC. We also support companies who may have been refused with either fresh applications or requesting further reviews if required.
Altion Law are specialists at advising and representing parties in AWRS applications. We offer an initial fixed price consultation for this area of work. Many of our clients are able to undertake applications on their own after having an initial consultation. For a confidential free discussion, call us today on 01908 414990, alternatively email us at or complete our Free Enquiry Form and we will call you back.
How we at Altion Law, can help you with AWRS Registration and Disputes
Altion Law can review existing business processes and assist with the application process. We would also urge businesses that have been refused registration or have failed the ‘fit and proper’ test to contact us at the earliest point, You only have a limited period to challenge a decision. Altion Law also offers an AWRS dry run service. We will work through the likely AWRS questions with your business in advance to insure you are aware and correctly prepared. Altion Law can also assist with appealing any fines or penalties applied under the scheme. But again businesses only have limited time to lodge an appeal. The cost of an Appeal or an Injunction or a Judicial Review can be substantial. So it is very important that you seek legal advice at the earliest opportunity.
What do I Need to do Next?
Any new business that wants to trade in duty paid alcohol must apply and be approved for AWRS by HMRC before trading commences. All new applications will have a decision from HMRC within 45 days. Once an application is made, HMRC have the power to investigative whether applicants are ‘fit and proper’ and can be accepted onto the register and by definition trade in the alcohol sector. For a business to be considered ‘fit and proper’ HMRC will assess its application. It will then carry out a preregistration visit.
From 1st April 2017, all business who trade or retail Alcohol must make sure any UK wholesalers they purchase or sell to are registered with HMRC.
HMRC Fit and Proper Test What are HMRC Looking for as part of their ‘Fit and Proper’ Criteria?
HMRC have Advised they are Looking to Ensure:
- There is no evidence of illicit trading
- The applicant, or any person with an important role in the business has not previously been involved in any significant revenue non-compliance or fraud.
- There are no connections between the business, or key persons involved in the
- Business, with other known non compliant or fraudulent businesses
- Key persons involved in the business have no unspent criminal convictions which HMRC consider relevant – for example offences involving any dishonesty or links to organised criminal activity
- Application is accurate, and complete and there has been no attempt to deceive.
- There have not been persistent or negligent failures to comply with any HMRC record keeping requirements
- Applicant has not previously attempted to avoid registration and traded unauthorised
- This business has provided sufficient evidence of its commercial viability and/or credibility
- There are no outstanding, unmanaged HMRC debts or a history of poor payment
- The business has in place satisfactory due diligence procedures to protect it from trading in illicit supply-chains.
HMRC has not issued an exhaustive list. They may refuse approval to a wholesaler for reasons that are not given above. HMRC may refuse if they have concerns that the applicant is a serious risk to revenue. These are detailed meetings and can take several hours with documents being provided in evidence.
What will HMRC do if we are not Registered or Meet the Criteria?
New criminal and civil sanctions are in place for wholesalers and trade buyers caught purchasing alcohol from non-registered wholesalers. HMRC may also remove a business’s right to wholesale alcohol at any time as well as applying financial penalties for wholesalers. In addition, any alcohol found in the premises of unregistered businesses may be seized, whether or not the duty has been paid. Businesses will have a similar right to review and appeal as for other HMRC regimes in regard to civil penalties raised or decisions related to appeals.
AWRS Application when we Assisted with Success
The client was a new entrant to the market and was bespoke distiller of Gin. The company had already invested over £250k in equipment and marketing. A further investment of £300k was anticipated into the business over the next 12 months. AWRS had been applied for but the level of detail that HMRC required had not been properly prepared for and the company had been told to expect refusal.
Altion Law were instructed and assisted with creating and compiling all documentation as well as educating the operations team around the requirements of due diligence. A fresh AWRS application was made and the company was approved within 3 weeks.
Dry Run Service
A new entrant to the Alcohol wholesale sector wanted to apply for AWRS but was not wholly familiar with the rules and regulations surrounding the sector. As the company was a new startup with a limited budget, they approached Altion Law with a request to support an AWRS application but discussions moved to Altion Law assisting with the Company’s education of the rule and regulations of the sector. Altion Law was instructed to critique the Company’s draft AWRS business plan and application documents and suggest improvements or highlight areas of weakness.
This approach allowed significant areas of risk to be highlighted and the company improved its proposed policies and procedures prior to formal application. The company received a positive response to its AWRS application from HMRC within weeks of application.
Make An Enquiry Today
For a confidential free discussion, call us today on 01908 414990, alternatively email us at or complete our Free Enquiry Form and we will call you back.
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