Verbal Contracts

A question we are asked a lot in the way of contracts is, are verbal contracts with a builder binding? ‘Verbal Assurances’ Or Voluntary Statements Given By The Builder To A Homeowner Can Amount To A Contract If The Homeowner Relied Upon It.

A builder needs to be more careful in any statement, or what assurances that they give to the homeowners. When you are deciding to enter into a verbal contract with the builder, or making a decision about the service, this should be done with care.

Verbal Contract Communication

If you can show that you have taken those comments into account when entering into agreement with the builder. Then you may later bring a claim for breach of contract.

With that in mind, clear contract terms are more important than ever. Even construction staff must be careful in what assurances they give at all times to the homeowners. This includes any quotations, or promises of the results to be achieved.

Failure to comply with any such statements may entitle the homeowner to a right of re-performance. Sometimes a price reduction if the term does not relate to the service.

Altion Law are specialists at advising and representing parties in a Contractual Dispute relating to a Construction Project.  For a confidential free discussion, call us today on 01908 414990,  alternatively emails us at or complete our Free Enquiry Form and we will call you back.